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    Style of teachers and students

James Cook University


James Cook University Singapore Campus

   University’s Introduction

After a decade under the stewardship of the University of Queensland, JCU became a university in its own right on 20 April 1970. James Cook University is Australia’s leading university for the Tropics. JCU is named after the famous navigator and explorer, Captain James Cook. Riding on the creative curiosity of its namesake, the University has encourage and supported world-class research and exploration to meet the challenges facing the tropical regions of the world. Offering excellence in teaching and research, JCU is a vibrant university operating across two countries and three tropical campuses in the North Queensland cities of Townsville and Cairns, and in the city-state of Singapore.

The Singapore campus of James Cook University, established in 2003, is fully owned by James Cook University Australia, and is a major milestone in the internationalization of the university.

Rankings and Professional Recognition

  1. University Rankings

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021: 201-250

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Ranking of World Universities 2020: Top 400 Universities in the world

  1. Professional Recognition

Programs at Singapore Campus of James Cook University are accredited in a variety of areas:


  • Certified Practising Accountant,CPA
  • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand,CA ANZ
  • The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International,AACSB

The Singapore Campus of James Cook University is a member of AACSB and is currently undergoing the process of accreditation, which is the rigorous external review of a school’s ability to provide the highest quality programs.

  • Chartered Financial Analyst Institute,CFA
  • The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,ACCA
  • Institute of Management Accountants(IMA)

2)Information and Communications Technology

  • Australian Computer Society,ACS
  • Singapore Computer Society,SCS

3)English as a Foreign Language

  • National English Accreditation Scheme, NEAS


  • Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership(AITSL)
  • The Education program at the Singapore campus of James Cook University is accredited by the Queensland College of Teachers (the state teacher regulatory authority) within the nationally agreed Accreditation Standards and Procedures stipulated by AITSL.

5)Guidance and Counselling

  • Australian Counselling Association(ACA)
  • Singapore Association for Counselling(SAC)


  • Australian Psychology Accreditation Council(APAC)



Advantage of Singpaore

Singapore has a longstanding commitment to developing itself as a regional education hub. As a multiracial country, it is an ideal location for personal growth, career development and cross-cultural exchange. The living conditions in Singapore are among the best in Asia and there are modern educational, commercial, sports and entertainment facilities across the country. The residents in Singapore come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The inclusive ethnic environment envelopes students in a colourful and vibrant life experience.  Singapore's climate is warm and mild all year round, making it a comfortable place to live. Getting around is convenient, with an efficient and reliable land transport system that will quickly take you anywhere you need to go on the island. As an education and research hub, Singapore has numerous libraries, museums, and laboratories that are open to the general public. Singapore is safe, with a low crime rate and a high standard of living, making it a choice destination for students looking to study abroad. Singapore's liberal work immigration policy is one of its major advantages in attracting overseas students and foreign talent.


Why Singapore Campus of James Cook University

James Cook University has received the Singapore Quality Class Star and was the first university in Singapore to receive EduTrust Star accreditation. It is also the first and only Singapore campus of an Australian public university to be recognised by both the Singaporean and Australian governments. James Cook University aims to make its Singapore campus a regional university in the Asian education market, allowing international and local students to obtain a real Australian degree in Singapore. The Singapore campus guarantees that the courses offered, quality of teaching and degrees issued are in full accord with the Australia campuses. With students from more than 50 countries, the Singapore Campus has not only become more international, but has also enabled students to take advantage of this opportunity to participate in cross-cultural exchanges and gain knowledge and experience. The university’s career centre and on-campus career fairs provide our graduates with a wealth of overseas employment opportunities that will add value to their future lives.

Trimester System

With a trimester program, you can complete your Bachelor’s degree in 2 years and Master’s degree in 1 year (depending on the course taken), thus saving the time and the cost of studying abroad.

Teaching Consistency

The curriculum and teaching level of Singapore Campus correspond to that of the Australian campus. The degree certificates issued are identical to those issued by the Australian campus.


Singapore Campus offers a suite of university level programs covering the areas of Business, Information Technology, Psychology, Education, Accounting, Arts, Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Games Design, Tourism and Hospitality.

Pathway programs

Our pathway programs are designed, through special entrance schemes, to make university education accessible and achievable for a wide range of students in the region.

Teaching Excellence

Our teaching staff comprises research-active Ph.D. holders and industry experts, simultaneously employed in the Australian campuses.


Cost effective

The tuition fees at the Singapore Campus are 20%-25% lower than at the Australian campus. The living cost is also much lower than that of other developed countries, with the overall cost about 40% less than that in Australia.



Total Tuition fee (without exemption)

Bachelor of Business

About SGD$56,496 and RMB¥280,000

Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science

About SGD$61,204 and RMB¥300,000

Bachelor of Information Technology

About SGD$56,496 and RMB¥280,000

Bachelor of Psychological Science/ Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Psychological Science)

About SGD$59,064 and RMB¥290,000

Bachelor of Education

About SGD$61,632 and RMB¥300,000

*The above tuition fees are inclusive of GST.


For SQA-AD graduates, up to 12 subjects are exempted for business related majors ( There are 24 subjects in the Bachelor of Business courses).

Feel free to contact the university for more information.

Inter-campus Mobility program

The University operates directly across three campuses (Singapore, Townsville and Cairns) in two countries (Singapore and Australia), providing students with the opportunity for a free transfer of learning between campuses to ensure that students can have a better experience and perform well in the university. Students can choose according to their own needs.

 Global Experience Program

After completing 2 trimesters of the course in the Singapore campus, students can opt for student exchange programs of 1-2 semesters in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia, and more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia and other cooperative universities. All the universities are excellent in terms of ranking and reputation.

Recognition of academic degrees

The degrees obtained in both Singapore Campus and Australian Campuses are the same and widely recognized. Regardless of whether you study in Singapore Campus or transfer to Australian Campus, Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange recognises your James Cook University degree.

Application Process

  1. Submit application documents required by the University
  2. Obtain a conditional/unconditional letter of offer upon fulfilling the admission requirements and passing the academic assessment
  3. The University will apply for student visa for admitted students in Singapore, without the need for embassy interviews
  4. Payment of tuition fees and arrangement of pre-arrival services after obtaining the student visa

Scholarship or Tuition fees Discount

The University will arrange the scholarship test regularly every year, and offer the special scholarship of the tuition fee waiver of up to 2 subjects based on the test results.

Accommodation & Airport pickup

Before departing for Singapore, Singapore Campus of James Cook University will arrange the airport pick up and accommodation services. As most universities in Singapore do not provide on-campus accommodation, we will arrange various types of accommodation provided by accommodation providers working with the University for students to choose from. For more details, please refer to the university website:



Intake information

English Language Preparatory Program of Singapore Campus:

Level 1- Level 3 : Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov

Main program of Singapore Campus: Mar, Jul, Nov

Main program of Australian Campus: Feb, Jul

*please refer to the exact dates on the unviersity’s website


Contact us

Contact person: Ms Jiao

Tel:+86 10 5351 9266

Fax:+65 6709 3889 

Address with postal code:149 Sims Drive
Singapore 387380/ 北京市朝阳区西大望路1号温特莱中心B座2305

 Email:hnd-singapore@jcu.edu.au / summer.jiao@jcu.edu.au

Official Website:www.jcu.edu.sg

Welcome to follow our Wechat Official Account:詹姆斯库克大学




010-6267 7726

010-6267 7735


010-6267 7730






CSCSE Office, Floor 5, Splendid Times Plaza No.56, Beisihuan West Road,Haidian District, Beijing,



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