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  • Style of teachers and students

    Style of teachers and students

University of Bradford


Introduction of the University
Richmond Building
Bradford is a welcoming and culturally rich place to study. We are one of the most diverse, inclusive universities in the UK, and pride ourselves on the warm welcome we give to international students. Our friendly and compact campus is within a five-minute walk of the city centre, with accommodation and all student facilities within the grounds.
Situated in the magnificent county of Yorkshire, the City of Bradford is multicultural, well-connected, and one of the UK’s least expensive student cities. Our international students, who represent more than 130 countries, tell us they feel supported, involved and at home at the University of Bradford.
University of Bradford was formed in 1832 as the Mechanics Institute, in 1966, the University of Bradford became Britain’s 40th university, our first Chancellor was the Prime Minister Harold Wilson. We have been committed to providing scientific solutions for the development and prosperity of society. The university has recently invested millions of pounds in upgrading facilities so that students can get the best learning experience in the process of learning
The University of Bradford is made up of four academic faculties, Faculty of Engineering & Informatics, Faculty of Health Studies, Faculty of Life Sciences and Faculty of Management, Law &Social Sciences which each cover a broad range of specialisms, there are over 10,000 students from all over the world.
The university of Bradford has a good reputation in the UK and the world for teaching and research in Management, Biological Sciences, Archaeology, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Peace Studies, Engineering, Computing, Animation and Film, as well as Health Studies including Nursing.
The university has a variety of facilities, such as gym, swimming pool, library, theater, art museum, concert hall and other learning and entertainment facilities, together with the dormitory as a whole laundry, restaurant, coffee shop, shops and green public area to form a living space for students in school.
University of Bradford has a good learning atmosphere and a group high level of teachers, has always been one of the preferred universities for excellent students within SQA projects. For 2019-2020, over 80% of our SQA graduates had received second-class and first-class degrees. Most of the graduates entered the world famous schools for postgraduate studies and the others quickly found the ideal job and began their career.
The advantages and ranking of the University
The School of Management was founded in 1963, is one of the 22universities in the UK who receives the Triple Crown Accreditation, i.e AMBA、EQUIS、AACSB. It ranks No.87th in the Europe for Business School, and No.88th for the MSc Management Studies programme in Financial Times 2018.
Why choose University of Bradford?
University of Bradford is the ONLY university within SQA-ADPorgramme:
·One of the 22universities in the UK who receives the Triple Crown Accreditation, i.e AMBA、EQUIS、AACSB until August 2019
·The only one Business School ranked 18th in the UK and 87th in Europe in 2018 Financial Times
·One of the best performance university in QS World University, 55th in the UK
·Accounting and Finance programme is accredited by ICAEW, ACCA, AIA, CIMA and CPA(Australia)
·Human Resource Management programme is accredited by CIPD
·Business related courses are accredited by BGA, NHS Leadership Academy, CMI, CIPFA, CII, CILT
·ACCA Exemption
·Runs own BASALT test which receives British Council’s verification
·In recent five years, over 80% of our SQA graduates had received second-class and first-class degrees. There are 5 to 6 courses each year, with streamlined, more specific and more professional curriculum. Most of the graduates entered the world famous schools for postgraduate studies.
Note: to find our more accreditation detail, please refer to the link of
Application Process
1、Applying for conditional offer (November to May)
2、Applying for Passport
3、Attending English test(IELTS or BASALT)
4、Paying GBP 2000 deposit(By June)
5、Submitting all supporting documents to change unconditional offer(May to July)
6、Applying for CAS (May to August)
7、Applying for visa (June to September)
8、Others—accommodation booking (May), flight ticket booking (May), airport pick up service booking(after receiving visa)
Scholarship or Tuition fees Discount
Excellence Academic Scholarship
GU result and IELTS
Volunteer/Social Practice/Internship
Early Bird Discount
Pay the deposit by 31/03/2021
Early Bird Discount
Pay the deposit by 30/04/2021
Pay the tuition fee by the end of September
Note: students could only receive one scholarship or discount.
The final scholarship and tuition fee discount policy, please refer to the University’s official website.
Entry Requirement and Progression Schedule
SQA Specialty
Entry Requirement
Degree Course (Year Entry)
Tuition fees(2020/21)
6.0(no sub-test lower than 5.5)
BSc Business and Management(Year 3)
Business with
6.0(no sub-test lower than 5.5)
BSc Business and Management or
BSc Accounting and Finance(Year 3)
Business with
6.0(no sub-test lower than 5.5)
BSc Business and Management or
BSc Marketing(Year 3)
Business with
6.0(no sub-test lower than 5.5)
BSc Business and Management or
BSc Human Resource Management(Year 3)
Global Trade
and Business
6.0(no sub-test lower than 5.5)
BSc International Business and Management(Year 3)
6.0(no sub-test lower than 5.5)
BSc Accounting and Finance(Year 3)
Pre-sessional English Course
English Requirement)
Course Date
 Course Length
Tuition Fees
(no sub-test lower than 4.5)
20 weeks
(no sub-test lower than 5.0)
(no sub-test lower than 5.0)
6 weeks
The course information above is for 2020/21, please refer to the latest information by clicking the link below: https:/www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/other/pre-sessional-english-language-programme/
Accommodation & Airport pickup
That’ s why we’ ve invested over £40m in our award-winning, eco-friendly student village on campus -- The Green. It is a sociable, secure, home-from-home- and one of the most sustainable developments of its kind in the world. It’s just a short walk from the city centre, so you’re lose to everything you need. The Green has a welcoming community atmosphere, perfect if you’re living away from home for the first time.
It is made up of townhouses and apartments, with 1,026 bedrooms designed around a village concept. Both accommodation types feature bright, modern and fully-equipped kitchen and living spaces. In townhouses, bathrooms are shared by two bedrooms, while apartments have en-suite bathrooms.
The Accommodation team administer lettings and tenancy contracts and provide all the services in The Green to students. The team are based at The Orchard, which also houses the student launderette.
The Accommodation team, located at the heart of The Green, are on hand to deal with any general queries or issues, there are 24 hours staffed and CCTV.
Type of room
The cost is for 2020/21, please refer to the link below for the latest:
The Green(Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom and living room)
Airport Pickup
We offer free airport pick up service in Manchester and Leeds/Bradford international airport at the appointed time before the start of the semester. For booking, please refer to the pick-up guide issued by the University of Bradford.
University Campus
Contact detail of the University
Contact person: NING Ke
Address with postcode: Room 2409, Kuntai International Mansion Building, No.12B Chaowai Street, ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing 100020
Email: china-office@bradford.ac.uk
Official Website: https:/bradford.ac.uk/external/ 
Official Website in Chinese: http:/www.bradfordchina.com/
University of Bradford Wechat
University of Bradford-Recruitment Officer



010-6267 7726

010-6267 7735


010-6267 7730






CSCSE Office, Floor 5, Splendid Times Plaza No.56, Beisihuan West Road,Haidian District, Beijing,



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